Saturday, May 24, 2008


Live Your Brand
Take a look at who you are and what you represent and what you stand for - this constitutes your brand and you must live it everyday in order to make 'you' -> your #1 Asset.

The Power of Brand Recognition
A lot of time and energy (what I call blood, sweat and tears) goes into creating a memorable 'brand' that adds value to a company's marketing strategies. This value generally manifests itself in the form of name recognition. We have all been exposed to name recognition forever - either consciously or sub-consciously.

Think of companies like McDonald's with the Golden Arches and that silly Clown with the big red nose, Think of Pizza Hut with the famous Red Roof, Think of Energizer and that crazy Pink Bunny-and did you ever think you would see the day when an insurance company would be marketing its product with a 'lizard'?-- the list goes on.

We carry around words and jingles and sayings and images all the time-and all of these sayings, jingles and images etc. are most likely associated with a product or service that we have used, seen, heard about or been exposed to in some way. Most of the time we can hear just the first bar of a jingle and we already know what the product is. This strategy is not by chance. As mentioned earlier a lot of time, energy and expense goes into creating a 'brand' that is easily recognizable and well received by that company's market.

See If You Recognize These:
  • Have a __________ and a smile.

  • You're in Good Hands with ______________ .

  • Like a Good Neighbor _______________ is there.

  • You deserve a break today- so get up and get away to _______________.

  • Have it your way at ____________________.

  • It's so easy even a ___________________ could do it.

  • These are the voyages of _____________________________.

  • You have just entered the _________________________ Zone.

SEE WHAT I MEAN !! I'll bet all of these came to you in a flash.... RIGHT?

SO, let's fast forward to YOU and how you can create your own Personal Brand... Consider the following steps ...

Define Who you Are -
The most important step to creating your personal brand is defining yourself. This means that you must take stock of your strengths, values, goals and personality to determine how people will relate to you and trust you. What will a person take away from an encounter with you either directly in person or by phone or through your website(s) profile? Are these encounters consistent?

When you consistently present yourself based on the attributes that you have identified, you will have created an effective Personal Brand. Those who interact with you now will have a strong sense of who you are and they will come to know, like and trust you.

The beauty of Personal Branding is its uniqueness. Components to consider for your Personal Brand include: your leadership abilities, your special strengths, talents or achievements; your personality traits, and distinctive qualities. Just remember, your Brand is Your Brand--
It doesn't ' mirror anyone else but you.

Getting the Message Out -

Once you have determined your personal brand message(s), you will need a strategy and a tool to help you reach your target market. Persistence and Visibility are key elements in ensuring that your personal brand is communicated to the people who need to know about you and who may be interested in your products and/or services. This means that you must live your personal brand at all times; if you find this challenging then perhaps you were not honest during the defining process and probably need to think a little harder about who you are and what you stand for.

How do People Learn About You?
There are endless options available for getting your personal brand message out. Certainly the most powerful and effective is face-to-face communication. It is agreed that personal interactions provide the greatest opportunities to create memorable impressions. However, if you have a very large client or customer base or if your business is primarily internet-based this method is not always possible or practical. Of course you can use other communication vehicles such as e-mail, direct mail and personalized letters. While these methods are all well and good, the advances in technology have taken communications to a whole new level.

New Technology, Innovative Tool
A cutting edge tool by the technological company QAlias makes it possible for you to have top ranking on Google, Yahoo, AIM, and other major search engines affiliated with Google. This technology is being called the "Google Me" Revolution. This tool allows you to create an online Profile, a Bulletin page where you can highlight your products and/or services or just discuss your particular areas of interests and ideas. You can also create a page to display your business cards(s). A professional online image will add credibility to your personal brand.

Now instead of sending hundreds of e-mails or personalized letters to introduce yourself or to let people know about you. You can now just say "Google Me" and they can go directly to your online profile.

When you are able to project the image you have defined for yourself through your online professional profile you will become your #1 Asset. And this is critically important for entrepreneurs who wish to differentiate themselves from the competition.

To View a sample Profile visit -->

To Your Success !
"Miss Julia"
Proud Member of MyVMTeam

View my Online Profile @ ---->
"Google Me" --> Julia Gray


Unknown said...

"Live Your Brand
Take a look at who you are and what you represent and what you stand for - this constitutes your brand and you must live it everyday in order to make 'you' -> your #1 Asset."

This is so cool! This is a "Fun" and quite informative post Julia, Thank you for it :)

Wavecritter said...

I think I got them all right on the first try! Wow! Branding yourself is really as easy as that! Thank you so much for all the steps on branding you!

askGerhard-Kaiser said...

Thanks Julia for this awesome blog and all about the branding yourself!
Gerhard Kaiser - Google me

Margie Franklin said...

You kept my attention to the very end...I like the way you explained the importance of branding one's self and then followed up with perfect examples. That way the reader was able to get a visual of how branding makes one soar past her competitors.

Margie Franklin, The Home Biz Diva

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